Friday, November 20, 2009


Saturday, November 21, 2009
9 AM to 5 PM
Carol Edwards Center
17401 133rd Avenue NE Woodinville, WA 98072

Visit companies that are family focused in the area and possibly pick up some swag while you're there. Door prizes and giveaways and start holiday shopping/ideas while you are there. This event is presented by Tot Spot Cafe - come support a fabulous local business that is family oriented. Not to mention all of the other businesses that are there as well!!!

Looking forward to it - I will be there bright and early at 9am when the door opens with my stroller to boot!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Friday Night Live - Free Admission to Imagine CM on 11/20

The 3rd Friday of every month is called Friday Night Live at the Children's Museum in Everett. This month the third Friday falls this Friday on November 20th.

Take a break from the wind and rain, let the kids burns off some steam - for FREE! Admission is free during Friday Night Live and hot dogs, soda and cookies are available for purchase. (Free admission only offered during 5:30pm-9pm on November 20th.) Bring family and neighbors for a great start to the weekend!

See you there!

Sponsored by Target.

RECIPE: Caramel Popcorn Crunch

I was reading through my Imagine Children's Museum newsletter and came across a fabulous kid friendly recipe. I am planning on making this next weekend after Thanksgiving as my family and I relax and start dreaming of dancing sugarplums.

Easy and oh so yummy!

1/2 cup butter - room temperature/soft
1/2 cup brown sugar
3 quarts unsalted popped popcorn
1 cup nuts - optional

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Line an edged cookie sheet with foil for easy clean up. Cream butter and brown sugar together until airy. Toss popcorn (and nuts) in bowl. Add creamed mixture to popcorn and toss until coated. Spread popcorn on cookie sheet in a single layer. Bake 10 minutes until crispy. Let cool and crunch away!

CRAFT: Christmas Countdown

There is no better time to remind kids of the meaning of the holiday your family celebrates than spending time together. A great way to spend time together is by making crafts. I saw this craft listed on Busy Mommy Media written by Rachel Lister.

The Christmas chain has been a holiday tradition in my family since I was little and now that I have young one, I am trying to instill some of the traditions of our own. This chain has been enhanced and is a great way to add more meaning to the traditional project of making the count down chain. This can be a count down for Christmas, Kwanzaa, Hanukkah or even another special day.

Materials Needed:
Construction paper - holiday colors
Tape or glue
Scissors - age appropriate (or adult can cut)

1. First thing to is to take one sheet of construction paper and draw a big bell shape on it and then cut it out.

2. On the bell have your child (or a adult) write the following poem on it, but leave at least 1 1/2 inches of space at the bottom:

Christmas Chain

Christmas day will soon be here
And I can hardly wait
I’ve made this little Christmas chain
To help me celebrate.

Please help me hang my chain up high
I’ll cut one loop each day
And when we reach my pretty bell
It will be Christmas day!

3. Cut strips of construction paper at least 2 inches wide in different colors (at least 2). There needs to be enough to countdown - example if you are starting on December 1st you will need 24 strips.

4. Take one chain and attach the two ends together to form a circle and seal with tape, glue or staples.

5. Take another strip of paper and string it through the first circle and seal the two edges together. It will appear that they are looped or chained together. Continue to do this and make your chain.

6. Lastly, take the bell and cut a slit in the bell at least 1 inch up of the edge. Put the last cut of construction paper through the slit and then also make a ring to attach the paper ring to the bell and the chain.

7. As each day passes, take one ring off as you countdown to the holiday!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Winter Session Swim Classes / Forest Park Pool

Sign ups are available for winter session classes through the Everett Park and Rec but for swimming the process is a little different. As I have said before - this is the best deal in town and you must log on early and only sign up online. Read this carefully and check out the Park and Rec website to verify the information that I have listed here.

NOTE- New Sunday classes available.

Winter Session Swim Classes at Forest Park Pool - Everett, WA

Sign up on Dec 7 at 7am (online or 8am in person)for:
Session 1 - 1/4 to 1/27 on M, W - 4 weeks, 7 lessons
Session 2 - 1/5 to 1/28 on T, Th - 4 weeks, 8 lessons
Session A - 1/16 to 2/20 on Sa - 6 weeks, 6 lessons
Session B - 1/17 to 2/21 on Su - 6 weeks, 6 lessons

Sign up on Jan 11 at 7am (online or 8am in person)for:
Session 3 - 2/1 to 2/24 on M, W - 4 weeks, 7 lessons
Session 4 - 2/2 to 2/25 on T, Th - 4 weeks, 8 lessons

Sign up on Feb 1 at 7am (online or 8am in person) for:
Session 5 - 3/1 to 3/24 on M, W - 5 weeks, 10 lessons
Session 6 - 3/2 to 3/25 on T, Th - 5 weeks, 10 lessons
Session C - 3/27 to 4/10 on Sa - 6 weeks, 6 lessons
Session D - 3/28 to 4/11 on Su - 6 weeks, 6 lessons

Everett Park and Rec - Sign Up Now Online

The winter guide for the Everett Park and Rec is available and sign-ups are open as of 11/6/09. Classes can be signed up for in person, by mail or online at Books are mailed to Everett residents or available at the Everett Public Libraries.

Classes available for children are:
Beginning Piano (age 7 - 10), Ballet (age 7 - 110 , Creative Dance (1=age 3 - 4 or 2=age 5 -6), Jazz Dance Musical (age 8 - 13), Babysitting Basics (age 10 - 14), Gymnastics (age vary/multiple classes), Karate (age 5 - 16),

Also for winter activities, there are a couple snow shoeing outings for age 6+ as well as hiking and skiing outings.

Now do not worry if you are looking to sign up for the swim classes (aka - the best deal in town!). The classes are available for registration on different date depending on what session you are looking for. See post - Winter Session Swim Lessons / Forest Park Pool.